August Update
In our May Update we referred to two pieces of land which were potential suitable sites. We give below the current situation for each site.
Tonbridge Site
We were ultimately unable to consider this site because the owners were not prepared to sell, only to lease the property. This would not have fitted in with the aims of the Trust.
Southborough site
This site consists of several properties which have now fallen into disrepair. We contacted Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Planning Department in order to ‘sound out’ their feelings with regard to the site, as we felt/knew there could/would be access issues. Their reply was not particularly encouraging, but with the information provided by the Council, the Trust(ees) are considering proceeding with a revised plan to meet the objections. Meanwhile a supporter of the Trust who has expertise in Highways policy is looking into the access problems.
We do seek your continued prayerful support as we continue our endeavours to obtain a suitable site. We are pleased to announce that our Fund now stands at over £31 000 thanks to the generosity of our supporters.
Finally, look out for further details of our Autumn Fayre, to be held GW on Saturday 5th November 2011 at Mayfield Village Hall, to be announced soon.