
The Oak Tree Homes Trust now has a unique, personalised text code, OTHT21, to raise funds to build Strawberry Hill House, using JustTextGiving by Vodafone.
This is a free service for charities, that has no set up or fundraising costs for charities, no network charges for people making donations and every penny donated goes to the Charity. Gift Aid can also be added to donations.
From today, supporters of the Oak Tree Homes Trust can make donations of up to £10 by texting OTHT21 and either £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070 to make their donation. The text message is free and all of the donation will be passed to the Oak Tree Homes Trust.
For further information about JustTextGiving by Vodafone please visit http://www.vodafone.co.uk/about-us/just-text-giving/donors/index.htm

Thank you for your support.