Summer Update

Dear Supporter
We have been a little quiet over the past few months while the coronavirus restrictions have been in place. As the restrictions are beginning to lift, we hope that we will soon be able to resume some activities.
We have provisionally booked Mayfield Village Hall, East Sussex for Saturday 6th November for our Autumn Fayre and we hope to hold a Christmas Singing Evening at Strawberry Hill House, Tunbridge Wells on Saturday 11th December (G.W.). Both events are subject to confirmation.
Apartment to rent
We are thankful that all residents at Strawberry Hill House have been kept free from the virus. We are also thankful that another two apartments have been sold in the last few months, which leaves just one apartment remaining.
We are keen to keep this 2 bedroom apartment for rental for those who are in need of accommodation. For more information please call 01797 260589 in complete confidence or email us at
Our next site
We are looking for further sites in the South East of England to build our next development. An ideal site is within walking distance of local amenities, near to places of worship and with access to public transport. Can you help us to find it? If you know of any land available, please contact us using the details mentioned above.
Thank you also for your continued support during the difficult months we have all experienced. Friends have continued to fund raise on our behalf, with sales of jams, cards and face masks contributing to our building fund. We would acknowledge the continuance of the Lord’s great goodness to us.
The Trustees